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[Recovery] rerecover only bad sectors
as soon as a cd/disc is recovered cdcheck should gather information about the bad sectors (as it already does). then it should be able to rerecover only the sectors which were unreadable in the last recover process. additionally the bad sector informations should be stored in the log files, so one can rerecover those cds/disks later.
(this feature would extend the ability to "recover only files missing in the output directory" - it is especially helpful if there are large files stored on the cds/disks (movies, game data files, uncompressed audio, ...))

tobias (24.06.2002)
my hard drive contains bad sectors
aruncancerian (06.02.2003)
I posted this in another area but it applies in this one too.. I would make one other suggestion that concerns the output file options (specifically the "don't re-write the output file if FILESIZE matches" option box). My suggestion is to install a second option box to allow re-write of a discrepant file in the "recovery" output file if the CRC of the file in the "recovery" output file does not match the current file on the current CD. Supposing I have two CD's that are both copies of the same program, each containing differing bad sectors. If I had the power to overwrite a discrepant file within the "recover" output file (made by one CD copy), depending on a "not matching CRC" (instead of filesize), I could use a second disk copy to recover files to the "recovery" output file that are missing from first disk but are available on the second. The combined output(s) could be written out to the "recovery" output file allowing a better recovery.

wind.chime (06.01.2004)
is important to recover the my files
magesh29 (14.11.2004)
t (06.11.2005)
Similarly to 'only getting bad sectors' it should have 'get missing sectors' where it resumes a partially recovered file (say after a crash)
spammail (14.04.2006)

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